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Join us at these back to school events!

Updated: Aug 24, 2022

Hope everyone had a great summer, and that your students are settling in for the first week of school. A few things to put on your calendar:

Thursday, August 18: PTA meeting 7pm via Zoom

Cragmont PTA invites you to join the PTA and approve our annual budget via Zoom meeting. We need 30% of the membership to attend in order to vote!

Thursday, August 25:

Back to School Night - 6pm

Please join us Thursday August 25th for our Cragmont Back to School Celebration on campus. This is your chance to meet your children's teachers and learn what to expect in the coming year. BUSD is not requiring that masks be worn in school buildings, but we are strongly recommending that masks be worn.

Childcare will be provided:

If you are in need of childcare while attending back to school night, please check your child in with our staff in front of the big play structure. No previous reservation/notice is required. You should bring them directly to the benches in front of the playstructure where an adult will sign them in, and a parent must sign off at drop off and pick up. Please make sure your child is checked in/out before leaving the playstructure area.

-If your child is in LEARNS, they must be signed out of LEARNS before they can be signed in to Back to School Night care. LEARNS staff may not sign in children, it must be a guardian//parent.

Schedule for Back to School Night:

  • 6:00-6:20: meet in Plaza (outside MPR) for staff introductions and some announcements

  • 6:30-6:55: 1st session with your child's teacher in their classroom

  • 7:00-7:25: 2nd session for families with more than one child at Cragmont.

Teachers will repeat their presentations

Friday, September 9:

Back to School Picnic/BBQ - 5:30pm

Our Back to School Picnic is Friday, September 9, 5:30-7:00pm at San Pablo Park. We hope to see everyone there! The PTA will provide hot dogs (veggie and non), mac n cheese, drinks, and cookies. Please bring a side, an appetizer or a salad to share.


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