Zoom Meeting Information for School Board Meetings
School Board Members to Attend Board Meetings Virtually
Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-25-20, all members of the Board of Education as well as the Superintendent and District Staff, will join the meeting via phone/video conference and no teleconference locations need be posted.
To observe the May 6 meeting by video conference, please click here at the noticed meeting time. It may help to download the Zoom app before the meeting if you don’t have it already. Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193 -Joining-a-Meeting.
To listen to the meeting by phone, please call at the noticed meeting time (669) 900-6833, then enter Webinar ID 846-1114-4722, then press “#”. If asked for a participant id or code, press #. Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are available at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663 -Joining-a-meeting-by-phone.
To view the meeting after it has been recorded, please go to https://www.berkeleyschools.net/schoolboard/board-meeting-information/
There are two ways to make public comment at the prescribed time near the beginning of the meeting, or in extended public comment near the end of the meeting. The Board President will introduce the allotted period of time for Public comments, organize the comments, and indicate who will be speaking next.
To comment by video conference, click on the Participants button at the bottom of your screen and select the “Raise Your Hand” button to request to speak when Public Comment is being asked for. When called upon, you will be unmuted. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted.
To comment by phone, you will be prompted to “Raise Your Hand” by pressing “*9” to request to speak when Public Comment is asked for. When called upon, you will be unmuted. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted. Instructions of how to raise your hand by phone are available at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663 -Joining-a-meeting-by-phone.