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PTA Afterschool Classes Starts

Updated: Sep 23, 2019

We are so excited to start this fall’s session of classes. If you have been enrolled, you should have received an email confirmation, along with details. Many classrooms are yet to be assigned, please stay tuned. 

Volunteering: 9/16 to 10/4

We need 15 minutes of your time!

On the first week of classes, please consider coming to school a little early to help gather students and make sure instructors have what they need in the classrooms. Sign up here to assist.

We cannot do this without your help! Thank you!

Class schedule and locations

The nitty-gritty:

Behavior policies apply for all classes. Students may be excused with or without a refund if they do not follow behavior policies. Students are expected to respect the feelings, rights, and property of others, and not disrupt the class.

Please remind your child each day they have class, and where to meet: TK and K kids will be collected from their classrooms or kindergarten yard M/T/T/F, and on the steps in the plaza outside the MPR on Wednesdays; Gr 1-5 LEARNS kids will be collected from LEARNS; non-LEARNS kids will meet on the steps in the plaza outside of the MPR.

Please pick up your non-LEARNS child on time and sign out! There will not be supervision available after the class.

Enjoy your class!

PTA Enrichment Team


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