A Message from the Principal

Dear Cragmont Families,
Cragmont’s Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team developed a new pink colored “dragon scale” this year that focuses on behavior in the common areas of our school. Common areas are places outside the classroom including bathrooms, hallways, cafeteria, playground, library, etc. We have developed a rules matrix that clearly outlines expected behavior in these areas focusing on being safe, respectful and responsible. Students were taught these expected behaviors early in the year. When students are caught being safe, responsible, and/or respectful in these areas, they may get a pink dragon scale, which is a small pink slip of paper acknowledging this positive behavior. At the end of each two week period, a group of students and I collect the pink dragon scales, and hold a drawing. Students or whole classrooms can win. Winning means a small token from me, and a class reward determined from a menu of items to celebrate. Cragmont has previously had other green and gold dragon scale tickets focusing on the classroom, but this new pink scale will encourage students to be mindful while in the other areas in the school where it is just as important to be safe, responsible and respectful.
Michelle Sinclair, Principal
Halloween Information

On Wednesday, October 31st we will celebrate Halloween by having our annual “Haunted Hallway,” with a parade to follow. Students will come to school that day in their regular clothing, then change into their costume in the afternoon. As you consider halloween costumes for your student, please keep these guidelines for school appropriate costumes in mind:
Costumes should not depict gangs or horror characters
Costumes should not be scary for our youngest students
Masks are allowed only during the parade and must not
obstruct vision
Costumes may not demean any race, religion, nationality,
handicapped condition or gender
No weapons, even fake ones, and no fake fingernails
Students must be able to walk in their costume
Our Halloween parade will be routed through the basketball courts, playground area, and grass field. The schedule will be as follows:
1:25-1:40 pm K-2 School Parade
1:45-2:00 pm 3-5 School Parade
Hope you can join us.
Dia de los Muertos Celebration
Come join us on Friday, October 26th, 6:00-8:00 pm, in the multipurpose room for an evening of food, crafts, games, and family fun.

Cragmont Collects Box Tops for Education
Earn cash for Cragmont by clipping pink Box Tops from items you use every day. Drop your clipped "Box Tops for Education" in the collection box located in the school entry.Click here for a list of participating products: http://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/participating-products

The Read-a-Thon
The Cragmont annual Read-a-Thon is M-F, 10/22 - 10/26. The Read-a-Thon is a fun way to get children reading while also helping to raise money for the school. All week each classroom will devote part of the school day to the Read-a-thon, with students reading on their own or being read to, and special activities related to reading. Look for more information coming from your student’s teacher.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, 11/2, will be no school for students, and the following week, M - Th, 11/5-11/8, will be minimum days. This change of schedule is for parent teacher conferences. The minimum day schedule is as follows:
Kinder: 9 am - 1:15 pm
Grade 1st-5th: 9 am - 2:00 pm
Upcoming Events
Thurs., 10/18 9am ELAC Meeting - Cragmont Library
Thurs., 10/18 5:30pm PTA Meeting - Cragmont Library
Thurs., 10/18 5:30-8pm Site Council Meeting (District - wide) Longfellow
Fri., 10/26 6-8 pm, Dia de los muertos -Multipurpose Rm
10/22-10/26 Read-a-thon
10/31 Halloween - Haunted Hallway and Parade
Fri., 11/2 No School - Parent Teacher Conference Day
11/5-11/8 Shortened Days - Parent Teacher Conferences
Mon., 11/12 No School - Veterans’ Day
M-F, 11/19 - 11/23 No School - Thanksgiving Break

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