Dear Cragmont Families,
I would like to take this opportunity, in our last Dragon Tales for the year, to thank students, parents and teachers who have worked so hard this school year. I never cease to be amazed by how diligently students work to learn, families work to support their students and community, and teachers work to educate our students. These efforts pay off in the most important way, improving outcomes for our students.
I also want to acknowledge our departing PTA President, Pamela Melvin. Pamela has volunteered countless hours collaborating with families and staff, planning events, running PTA meetings, and the numerous other PTA president responsibilities. She has been positive and gracious throughout her term of office. Thanks also to the previous PTA Board Members for your dedicated work.
And, welcome to the new PTA president, James Na. Thanks for stepping up and agreeing to take on this important position.
Michelle Sinclair,
President: James Na
Vice President: Ana Vasudeo
Treasurer: Avi Khullar
VP of Communications: Jen Ruppert
Fundraisers: Micha Oliver and Nimota Abina
VP of Outreach and Advocacy: Degi Simmons
Auditor: Samareen Shami
Parliamentarian: Peter Spoerl
Historian: Alexandra Singer
Room Parent Coordinator: Sarah Parsons
The PTA is still looking to fill the Secretary position and the Financial Secretary position. Please contact if you are interested.
END OF YEAR PICNIC - Friday, June 5th, 5:30-7:00pm
The PTA will provide hot dogs, veggie dogs, mac and cheese, drinks, and chips. Please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. Thank you all for pitching in. Please sign up here.
THE CRAGMONT RAFFLE - PTA is asking families to "Try for Twenty"—to try to sell the 20 tickets they've been given. Reminder - all raffle tickets, sold and unsold, are due on Wed., June 5th. The drawing will be at the end of year picnic.
SPIRIT WEEK - M-F, 6/10-6/14 - Participation is optional, but will surely be fun!
Monday - Dress like a favorite character from a book - Dr. Seuss, Harry Potter, Warriors novel series, etc.
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday - Silly socks or clothing, silly hat, etc.
Thursday - Team Day, or Kindness and Belonging Day - Wear positive message clothing, your favorite team’s gear, or Cragmont gear
Friday - Peace/Pride Day - Every grade wears a different color of the rainbow:
Kinder - Orange
1st - Red
2nd - Blue
3rd - Yellow
4th - Green
5th - Purple
5TH GRADE GRADUATION Wednesday, June 12th, 4-6pm in the Multipurpose Room.
Hosted by 4th grade families - refreshments to follow.
FIELD DAYS - Students participate in stations such as: Water Balloon Toss, Tug of War, Sack Race, Car Wash Relay, Parachute, and Bubbles.
● 3rd Grade - Thursday 6/6, 1:30 - 2:30
● Kinder - Monday, 6/10, 1:30 - 2:00
● 1st/2nd Grades - Tuesday, 6/11, 1:30-2:30
● 4/5 Grades - Friday, 6/14, 11:10-12:30
We still need volunteers to help run stations. If you can help out, email and indicate with which grade level you wish to volunteer.
REQUEST SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION for the 2019/2020 SCHOOL YEAR. Please call or email: 510-644-6182
Upcoming Events
Tues., 6/5/19 1:30-2:15pm - Showcase Assembly
Fri., 6/7/19 End of Year Picnic
Wed., 6/12/19 4-6 pm - 5th Grade Graduation
Fri., 6/14/19 Last Day of School
Sun., 8/25/19 10am-12pm - Playdate, new Kinder Families
Mon., 8/26/19 First Day of School
Mon., 9/2/19 No School - Labor Day
Thurs., 9/5/19 Back to School Night