Welcome, new Cragmont families!
Welcome to Cragmont School! We are so excited to have you join our outstanding Cragmont community. You are now part of a thriving community committed to making our school an awesome place to be. We are an active, innovative, engaged, and inclusive community of staff, students, and families, all housed in a beautiful building with expansive views of the bay.
As our mission statement says, we are dedicated to providing an outstanding education for all students while laying the foundation for each child’s personal success. Our programs combine academic rigor and intellectual challenge with strong support for students of all abilities. We are committed to a safe and supportive environment that includes all students. Our enriching curriculum includes science, art, music, P.E., dance, and trips to our impressive and beautiful library.
Calendar and the first day of school
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14, 2024, and the detailed 2024-25 calendar is available.
Start and Release Times
Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten:
Monday-Friday, 9:00a.m. - 2:15p.m.
1st Grade-5th Grades:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. (Wednesdays are early release days for grades 1st-5th)
LEARNS afterschool program
In addition to our school day, Berkeley Unified School District runs an afterschool program at Cragmont School called LEARNS. Our LEARNS program offers academic time for homework and tutoring by LEARNS Instructional Technicians, enrichment classes, and supervised play. Payment for this strong and enriching program is based on a sliding scale. The enrollment packet you receive in March should have instructions about registering for LEARNS.
If you have any questions, you can email our PTA at ptaofficers@cragmont.org and we will answer as soon as we can.
Get involved with our PTA!
We have a very active family organization at Cragmont. There are many ways for you to contribute:
volunteering in our classrooms
offering financial support for our school’s programs
helping to organize some of our wonderful events.
Please reach out to ptapresident@cragmont.org to be placed on our volunteer list, which is used mainly for small discrete tasks and calls to action.
Check out upcoming events
Please check the homepage for upcoming events that you can attend and get to know some members of your new school community.
Join our school directory to receive our PTA newsletter.
You can also subscribe to the PTA Google Calendar.
A few of our upcoming events
May 9: Open House
May 18 (Sat): Spring Carnival
June 3 (Mon): PRIDE Celebration
Welcome to Cragmont School! We are so excited to have you join our Cragmont community.
The PTA will hosted a playdate for incoming TK and kindergarten students and families on the school playground. We hope to have more playdates in the future sponsored by your Classroom Parents.
School visits during enrollment season
Parents of incoming TK or kindergarten students and families new to BUSD are invited to visit BUSD's elementary school sites.
Dates and more information can be found in the flyer to the right.
School visits are usually scheduled by calling the school's main number (510-644-8810). But, if you have trouble scheduling a visit by phone, you may email Sheyla Flores.
To enroll, families must submit a Preference Form and required documents via email to admissions@berkeley.net. Enrollment is completed in several rounds (Round 1, 2, and 3). Families seeking elementary school placement who apply during Round 1 have a higher chance of getting their first-choice school. Round 1 generally begins in early January.
Schools usually hold invitation hours in November - January and the district also organizes informational events. Information about these events is generally posted on the Admissions Office website in mid-fall.
For more information, please call BUSD Admissions at (510) 644-6504 or visit the Admissions Office website.
Here are Frequently Asked Questions about enrollment in general.
This page links to enrollment information for each grade level
If you have additional questions or concerns, email admissions@berkeley.net.
School visit hours during 2023-24
(Nov.-Dec. 2023 and January 2024).